
About TalkPoint

TalkPoint is an elegant way to handle your speeches/talks/meetings effectively and confidently. Now you can quickly get the points for a talk noted down, sorted and displayed in a clear and distraction free interface, completely eliminating the need for paper. If you need to adhere to a time limit, you can use the built in timer. The alerts feature complements the versatile timer to help you to be even more precise in timing.

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Security and Privacy

Privacy Policy

Thank you for using TalkPoint. This Privacy Policy("Policy", "document") outlines how the developer ("we", "us", "our", "I", "my" or "developer") collect, use, disclose, and protect your information when you use our App. By using TalkPoint, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Information Collected

With respect to user privacy, only the data that is necessary to provide the services are collected. Information that you provide directly such as your talks, talk points are collected when you use the app, for the sole purpose of providing the service. Currently, TalkPoint does not collect any personally identifiable information from you. In the future, the developer may collect certain information to provide enhanced and improved services, in which case this document will be updated with necessary details. This may include personally identifiable information such as your name, email address, or other contact information. Only the necessary data to provide and improve the services are collected.

Storage of information

As of right now, no personally identifiable information is collected. The talks and points you create and store within the App are stored locally on your device and are not accessible by the developer. If online storage features are introduced in the future, the information you provide may be stored on developer's servers or servers of third party service providers. This might be done to provide you enhanced and improved features and services such as multiple device access and online backups.

Usage of Information

The collected information will be used solely for the purpose of delivering and improving the services.

Sharing of Information

Currently no information is shared with any third party. If it is decided to share information with trusted third parties who will assist the developer in delivering the services in the future, this document will be updated with necessary information and these service providers will be bound by confidentiality obligations and will only use the information as necessary to perform the services on the developer's behalf.

Data Security

Reasonable measures will be taken to protect the security and integrity of your information. However, please be aware that no security measures can provide absolute protection and therefore immunity for your information from unauthorised access, disclosure, or use cannot be guaranteed.

Changes to this policy

This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time to reflect changes in the practices of the developer. The revised Privacy Policy will be effective when posted, unless mentioned otherwise. You are encouraged to review this Privacy Policy periodically.

Contact Developer

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the privacy policy, please contact the developer through

Updated on


Your feedback

Got any feedback regarding the app? Got a suggestion? or a request for a new feature?